Hardware and Site failures, Cyber incidents, natural calamities, power outages and human error are scenarios of potential disaster situations.
Do you find yourself surrounded by following questions?
- As as a business owner do you have data and backup needs?
- Do you have regulatory requirements and meet mandatory recovery objectives?
- Do you have a process in place to protect and preseve and recover, on or after a disaster?
Why not leverage Noventiq’s DRaaS for your business critical workloads and have it up and running during critical situations.
Noventiq offers competitive approach to protect your business from unplanned downtimes and data loss whether your environment location is on-premise, traditional or hybrid. Noventiq will continuity to meet your recovery targets.
Novwntiq DRaas Features
- Cloud based DRaaS - no additional infrastructure expenditures
- Recovery for physical and virtual servers
- Easy click recovery services
- 60 min RTO and 30 min RPO
- Web based management
- Data secured encryption
- Failback to on-premise
- Non-disruptive DR drills
- 24x7x365 support to assist with onboarding, failover and failback
- Pay as you Consume