Noventiq specialists have configured the system in such a way that new sandboxes can be created automatically and feature all the required access settings as well as restrictions on the consumption of cloud services.
Despite the fact that Step is at the very beginning of its journey toward using BIM, over the past two years our specialists have been using 3D modelling more and more, including the Autodesk Revit, in designs for industrial construction.
Noventiq developed an economic model that allowed them to evaluate the cost of ownership and their return on investment when introducing new technologies.
During the implementation of the SAM Cloud Productivity consulting project, Noventiq experts, using the inventory tool MAP Tool, collected data on the Microsoft software installed at the customer's site.
Noventiq was chosen as an IT partner because of its rich expertise in cloud hosting: the company's customer base includes hundreds of cloud service subscribers from various industries.
The Noventiq public cloud service was chosen as the platform, since the company's specialists offered a solution meeting the basic requirements of the customer with a flexible licensing program
The decisive factor in choosing an integrator for the Veeam Software management was Noventiq's significant experience in implementing Microsoft Dynamics CRM in various market sectors.
Noventiq’s goal is to make the transition from the outdated version of the lifecycle management system of Token Management System electronic keys to the new one.